I experienced a first last night. Luckily Mike was home to help otherwise it would have been very frustrating instead of quite humorous. I decided to give the girls a bath together since Brianna has a belly button now. So this is the second time I have attempted this. How it worked last time was that I would put Brianna in her little bath chair and fill the tub with enough water for her. Mary Kate would get in and help me give Brianna a bath and when she was done I would take out Brianna and let Mary Kate have more water in the tub and would wash Mary Kate. So last night I put the water in the tub and Mary Kate got in and Mike brought me Brianna. As soon as she got in the tub she immediately started to poop. I mean it was clouds of yellow puffing up in the water for a good 30 seconds to a minute. I was so taken aback because I wasn't expecting it that all it could do was laugh hysterically. Then Mike came in and saw what was going on and started yelling to Mary Kate "Get out! Get out! Get out!" So, Mary Kate, sensing the intensity in Mike's voice, starts scrambling to get out of the tub and almost falls out. As you can see from the pictures below, the water on the left side of Brianna is nice and "tainted" and on the right it is clear as can be.

I was not prepared for this. Mary Kate never pooped in the tub except once when she was 2. As a baby, she did not have relaxed bowels like Brianna. It is funny how different your kids turn out to be. I have been noticing that a lot lately as Brianna is starting to develop her little personality. She is such a cuddler whereas Mary Kate was so independant. She is a thumb sucker and loves to be comforted whereas Mary Kate didn't want any sort of pacifier or finger sucking or likewise comfort tools. They are both very alert and love to watch what is going on. However Mary Kate would cry and fuss and get herself so worked up that you could hardly calm her down. Brianna tends to fuss when she needs something and as soon as her need is met she will stop crying. I love both my girls more than I could ever imagine. And it is so interesting to me to watch how different and how incredibly complex and beautiful they both are all the way down to their inmost beings. It really gives a new perspective on Psalm 139:13-14
13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
He truly has created all of us individually. He knows us and he has a plan for us. I look forward to watching my girls grow and learn and become strong, beautiful, God Fearing women. I am anxious to see how each and every personality trait and characteristic that has been knit together within them will come together and what amazing plans God has for my children. This must be what God feels like when he looks down at us. He sees all he has created within us and just wants to see us flourish and follow the plans he has for us. Anyways, here are a couple more pictures from last night and this month.

She found her thumb already!

It was 80 degrees outside last Friday. I got her to wear shorts and a t-shirt, but she insisted on wearing her fur lined boots. I don't know whether to consider her a fashionista, or crazy!

They already love each other so much! Mary Kate is such a good big sister!