It seems like as soon as things are going smoothly for us...SOMETHING happens. This month its the brakes on Mike's car. Last night he was driving into work and suddenly without notice, he heard metal grinding on metal as he tried to stop. Luckily he was able to stop without issue and got to work and home safely. I decided that instead of freaking out about not having the money to get the brakes fixed, I would think outside of the box. Last night I ordered a set of brakes for the front axle and as soon as they get in, we are going to explore the world of fixing our own car. It should be interesting. We have several offers of people to help who have worked on cars before, as well as many phone connections who can offer expertise. I have been searching online for diy tutorials and found several unofficial "Idiots-guide-to-replacing-brake-pads" sites. I am pretty confidant that we can do this. Also, I was doing a friend's hair yesterday and she offered to sell me her elliptical machine! That is the highlight of my week! I am working hard to change my eating habits and feel like I am in a really good place as far as resisting unhealthy foods and planning out my calories so that I stay within my daily range. The one piece that is missing that I would like to add is exercise. Right now it is very hard for me to find the time to exercise. Between my jobs, Mike's job, Mike's classes, the kids and trying to keep up with the house, I literally can't figure out a good time to go. We have a membership to the Recreation Aerobics Center on campus included in tuition, however there is no childcare. We can't afford a gym membership with a child drop. And the few hours a week when Mike is home and I could go to the gym, I feel guilty sacrificing the family time since that is also very limited. So the thought of owning an elliptical machine is almost too good to be true. To be able to workout in the evenings after the kids are in bed and while Mike is at work, or in the morning, or at naptime, or pretty much anytime. I am very excited. I hope it will work out. On another note, it has been cold lately and I have been enjoying having a nice cup of coffee in the evenings once we are in for the night. However, the coffee has been keeping me up at night. My predicament: everything I can think of that doesn't have caffeine in it is much higher in calories than I am willing to ingest in a drink. Does anyone know of a low calorie (less than 50) warm drink that I can enjoy in the evenings during the winter that has no caffeine, and no artificial sweeteners (I have no tolerance for them and get migraines)??? I am not sure it exists, but I would appreciate the suggestions.