A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garretty
A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.
~Marion C. Garretty
Monday, May 10, 2010
A little redemption!
If you know my husband, it is no secret how he feels about mothers day, fathers day and valentine's day. They are hallmark holidays that are commercialized and he doesn't need no hallmark holiday to tell me or his mom or anyone how he feels about them. He can do special things for us all year round. Good thought in theory, but when life happens, the all year round appreciation and spoiling doesn't actually work out in practice. Needless to say, Mother's Day hasn't always been a pleasant day in our household. I would hope that he would do something, he would do nothing, and then I would be disappointed and have to watch EVERYONE at church and everywhere gush over how thoughtful their kids and husbands are! Well....this year he bought himself some redemption! It helps that MK is almost 5 and very excited about it! They got me the best present ever. They got me plants, dirt, seeds, and planter boxes! Not only is it something that I really wanted, but I got to spend some great quality time with Mike and both girls planting my new plants yesterday afternoon! It was great. He did some research and knew I wanted tomatoes and some herbs. He found two tomato plants that supposedly will do well planted in high heat on the porch in planters. He also remembered my herb garden attempts from a couple years ago and how hard it is to grow rosemary from seeds. My seeds never actually sprouted then. So he bought me a rosemary plant to keep going. Also he bought me basil, zuccini and summer squash seeds, carrot seeds, and moonflower seeds. I am so excited! Mary Kate is old enough now to help with it as well and excited to watch it all grow! Now to figure out how to keep all the neighborhood kids and the bunnies out of them!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
some thoughts...
ok, a couple of random thoughts I was thinking today since I haven't blogged in forever, and don't feel like playing catch-up with life right now and pictures:
- Swiffer wet jets-good idea in theory, great if you don't mind getting down on the floor and scrubbing with a clorox wipe first, best used in between moppings for floors not so dirty, not your best bet as primary mop.
- Aldi-LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! Finally have gotten the chance to go here a couple times and look at products and prices and such. I love the feeling of joyful surprise and shock when I get through the check out and it is about 20-30 dollars cheaper than I expected to pay. It is totally worth it to do as much shopping as you can here! This week I went and got 4 gallons of milk, a 3 pound bag of frozen tilapia filets, ground turkey, summer squash, apples, a half gallon of chocolate milk, two cans of soup, 6 pounds of bananas, two boxes (name brand) pop tarts, 3 avocados, two 4pks of applesauce, two bags of salad mix, two bags of shell pasta, two boxes of fiber granola bars, roma tomatoes, cottage cheese, kiwi, and eggs. I expected to pay over 50 and probably over 60. The final price: $40.31. Love it!
- Mom's get the short end of the stick when they get sick. I am currently recovering from strep throat and have not been able to get any extra rest. No matter what happens to me, unless I am hospitalized, I still have to take care of the kids and the house. Boo...as a result, the dishes are piled up and the laundry is starting to pile up a bit. I was staying caught up on it. So now I play catch up, finish my antibiotics and pray that my inability to get any extra rest to aid my body in recovery will not cause me further harm.
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