A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garretty
A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.
~Marion C. Garretty
Monday, June 6, 2011
1st grade seems so big
Today MK had her promotion ceremony. Yes. I cried. Not so much during their performance which was incredibly cute, but after the group ceremony we all went back to the classrooms and her teacher shared a few words and was crying and it set me off. Words cannot express how much I love and appreciate her teacher. Oh, I am going to be a mess as she gets older. Oh and get this, there is a boy in her class who ABSOLUTELY loves her! I mean talks about her all the time, draws pictures for her, loves her. But MK had no clue...she was oblivious. Cute. She loves all her friends! I am sad to see this year pass by, but I am excited for summer and very excited to see what next year holds! I will post pics later, just a pic post!
Friday, June 3, 2011
Waiting for superman...or supermom...
Today was one of those days. You know the days, the ones when you wish you had a secret tunnel like batman to whisk you away to the bat cave and transform you into a hero, or that if you ripped of all your clothes you would have a perfectly fitted superhero suit like superman complete with superhuman strength and the power to make everything right in the world. I was very aware today that I am NOT superman or supermom and that if I ripped off all my clothes the only thing that would happen would be a naked momma scaring people with her naked body...now that's just not a pretty picture. Welcome to my day:
I woke up on time today which was a feat of supernatural greatness. However I laid in bed for 5 minutes too long and my dear husband jumped up and got in the shower before me. Fun stuff...I finally got my shower and get all the kids' stuff together to leave and we are actually on time...Yay. Today was field day at MK's school so we had lots of extra stuff and extra excitement. I met Doma with Chey at MK's school and we all walked in and took MK to her classroom. School started at 8:00 am and field day didn't start until 8:30. I decided to go get some coffee and come back to the school and spend the morning with MK at field day before heading to sams club to run some errands and meet up with Dessa, my co teacher for lunch. About a minute after leaving the Starbucks Drive-through I hear Bria from the back say "Momma, I weally weally hungy..I weally weally hung...bluggghhhhhhh" And she proceeded to vomit for about 5 minutes. Yay...can't go back to the school now. So many things running through my head..."at least she only got it on her and her seat" "why today" "MK is going to be heartbroken if I don't come to field day" "do I need to cancel my lunch plans" and on and on....
I get home and clean up Bria, bath, new clothes and some down time. She seemed to be feeling better, so I decided to go ahead with my day and hope that everything had passed. To keep her separated from the kids i put Bria in the stroller and held Chey's hand. We had fun watching MK do a water balloon balance relay and jump in the bounce house and do some puzzles and such. It was a lot of fun. We left to go run some errands. I went to sams and picked up some cupcakes for MK's class...They are allowed to bring cupcakes on their birthdays, but MK's is in July and she won't get to celebrate with her friends, so we picked today to be her pretend birthday. After that we went to Walgreens on the way to lunch with Dessa so that we could pick up cards for her from me and the girls. Bria had been clingy, but fine so far. Well, she had a repeat episode at walgreens. I kinda felt a little guilty, she puked on the floor and they cleaned it up for me...It was nice, but yeah, I feel like i should have to do that...Anyways, luckily it only got on the floor and her shoes. PRAISE THE LORD SHE WAS WEARING HER CROCS!!! Can I get an amen for easy clean up! So anyways, it is too late to cancel lunch So we just had to go with a sick kid and all.
Lunch was great all things considering...I am so grateful for Dessa...I feel like we are war buddies or something...we are veterans of the war of our 2 year old class and we made it out alive...jk :) But seriously, there is a comradeship there.
After lunch we headed back to MK's school to bring her cupcakes. She was so excited! Her class sang happy birthday to her and it was a great time! While I was there her teacher shared with me that MK is very athletic, which she hadn't realized before until field day...and...she shared that MK is reading at 120 wpm!!! To put this in perspective, when she starts 1st grade next year, she is expected to be able to read at 30 wpm and when she finishes, they expect her to read at 60 wpm. So, my little end of the year Kindergartener is reading twice as fast as an end of the year 1st grader! I just looked up fluency standards and 120 wpm is late 3rd grade level/early 4th grade level. I am not surprised...she LOVES books and always has...she gets that from me!
Anyways, Bria was super clingy the whole time so I decided to take MK home early. It was already 2:20 and school gets out at 3:15. As we were walking down the hall, I stopped to put Bria in the Baby bjorn bc I couldn't carry her and push the stroller at the same time. As I stopped, Cheyenne, who was in the stroller, decided to pull down the shade on the stroller...This would have been no problem whatsoever, but the cupcakes were perched on top of the stroller and stroller shade and all the leftovers went crashing down in the middle of the hallway. I cleaned them up and headed to the front of the school to leave. MK realized she forgot her water bottle, so she ran back to get it and while we were waiting, Bria (from the baby bjorn strapped to the front of me) had round 3 of throwing up...THANK GOD there was nothing in her stomach, most of it was dry heaves and we were able to get her a trash can before the rest of it came out. OYE!
So we get home, and as I am unloading the kids from the car and getting them inside, Chey has a meltdown because a fly was on her. I am talking FREAK OUT!!!!! She refused to come inside because there was a fly flying around the door. I finally get her inside and come into the living room and Bria is refusing the bowl that MK is trying to give her incase she throws up and instead has put a walmart shopping bag that I had given her in the car ON HER HEAD!!! She then tells me "I don't like barfy mommy...dora don't like it too" You can add me into that mix!
I had the best of intentions to mow the backyard when I got home, but right now i am sitting down enjoying a nice cold glass of iced tea while the girls enjoy some Dora. I am not supermom, although I wish I was. And as frustrating as today was, I kind of like these days. They humble me and help me to remember: 1) I can't do it without God's help in my life everyday! and 2)I need to be in God's Word every day so that I can grow more of those awesome Fruits of the Spirit that help sustain us through days like today...you know love (even when they or you are covered in vomit), joy (when you would rather cry), peace (when your 2 year old is whining and crying all day), patience (IN EVERY SITUATION!), kindness (when another 2 year old accidentally knocks down all the cupcakes), goodness (helping the older lady at sams load her stuff in her car next to mine even though I have my own share of things to load), faithfulness (reading the Bible and praying throughout the day and trusting God to get me through this crazy day), gentleness (when I respond to my kids), and self control (not throwing my own temper tantrum even though I want to). I have not mastered all of these today, but I am trying and i am thankful that God uses all situations to help me understand his love for me and how much I need Him! He is my superman...swooping in to save the day!
I woke up on time today which was a feat of supernatural greatness. However I laid in bed for 5 minutes too long and my dear husband jumped up and got in the shower before me. Fun stuff...I finally got my shower and get all the kids' stuff together to leave and we are actually on time...Yay. Today was field day at MK's school so we had lots of extra stuff and extra excitement. I met Doma with Chey at MK's school and we all walked in and took MK to her classroom. School started at 8:00 am and field day didn't start until 8:30. I decided to go get some coffee and come back to the school and spend the morning with MK at field day before heading to sams club to run some errands and meet up with Dessa, my co teacher for lunch. About a minute after leaving the Starbucks Drive-through I hear Bria from the back say "Momma, I weally weally hungy..I weally weally hung...bluggghhhhhhh" And she proceeded to vomit for about 5 minutes. Yay...can't go back to the school now. So many things running through my head..."at least she only got it on her and her seat" "why today" "MK is going to be heartbroken if I don't come to field day" "do I need to cancel my lunch plans" and on and on....
I get home and clean up Bria, bath, new clothes and some down time. She seemed to be feeling better, so I decided to go ahead with my day and hope that everything had passed. To keep her separated from the kids i put Bria in the stroller and held Chey's hand. We had fun watching MK do a water balloon balance relay and jump in the bounce house and do some puzzles and such. It was a lot of fun. We left to go run some errands. I went to sams and picked up some cupcakes for MK's class...They are allowed to bring cupcakes on their birthdays, but MK's is in July and she won't get to celebrate with her friends, so we picked today to be her pretend birthday. After that we went to Walgreens on the way to lunch with Dessa so that we could pick up cards for her from me and the girls. Bria had been clingy, but fine so far. Well, she had a repeat episode at walgreens. I kinda felt a little guilty, she puked on the floor and they cleaned it up for me...It was nice, but yeah, I feel like i should have to do that...Anyways, luckily it only got on the floor and her shoes. PRAISE THE LORD SHE WAS WEARING HER CROCS!!! Can I get an amen for easy clean up! So anyways, it is too late to cancel lunch So we just had to go with a sick kid and all.
Lunch was great all things considering...I am so grateful for Dessa...I feel like we are war buddies or something...we are veterans of the war of our 2 year old class and we made it out alive...jk :) But seriously, there is a comradeship there.
After lunch we headed back to MK's school to bring her cupcakes. She was so excited! Her class sang happy birthday to her and it was a great time! While I was there her teacher shared with me that MK is very athletic, which she hadn't realized before until field day...and...she shared that MK is reading at 120 wpm!!! To put this in perspective, when she starts 1st grade next year, she is expected to be able to read at 30 wpm and when she finishes, they expect her to read at 60 wpm. So, my little end of the year Kindergartener is reading twice as fast as an end of the year 1st grader! I just looked up fluency standards and 120 wpm is late 3rd grade level/early 4th grade level. I am not surprised...she LOVES books and always has...she gets that from me!
Anyways, Bria was super clingy the whole time so I decided to take MK home early. It was already 2:20 and school gets out at 3:15. As we were walking down the hall, I stopped to put Bria in the Baby bjorn bc I couldn't carry her and push the stroller at the same time. As I stopped, Cheyenne, who was in the stroller, decided to pull down the shade on the stroller...This would have been no problem whatsoever, but the cupcakes were perched on top of the stroller and stroller shade and all the leftovers went crashing down in the middle of the hallway. I cleaned them up and headed to the front of the school to leave. MK realized she forgot her water bottle, so she ran back to get it and while we were waiting, Bria (from the baby bjorn strapped to the front of me) had round 3 of throwing up...THANK GOD there was nothing in her stomach, most of it was dry heaves and we were able to get her a trash can before the rest of it came out. OYE!
So we get home, and as I am unloading the kids from the car and getting them inside, Chey has a meltdown because a fly was on her. I am talking FREAK OUT!!!!! She refused to come inside because there was a fly flying around the door. I finally get her inside and come into the living room and Bria is refusing the bowl that MK is trying to give her incase she throws up and instead has put a walmart shopping bag that I had given her in the car ON HER HEAD!!! She then tells me "I don't like barfy mommy...dora don't like it too" You can add me into that mix!
I had the best of intentions to mow the backyard when I got home, but right now i am sitting down enjoying a nice cold glass of iced tea while the girls enjoy some Dora. I am not supermom, although I wish I was. And as frustrating as today was, I kind of like these days. They humble me and help me to remember: 1) I can't do it without God's help in my life everyday! and 2)I need to be in God's Word every day so that I can grow more of those awesome Fruits of the Spirit that help sustain us through days like today...you know love (even when they or you are covered in vomit), joy (when you would rather cry), peace (when your 2 year old is whining and crying all day), patience (IN EVERY SITUATION!), kindness (when another 2 year old accidentally knocks down all the cupcakes), goodness (helping the older lady at sams load her stuff in her car next to mine even though I have my own share of things to load), faithfulness (reading the Bible and praying throughout the day and trusting God to get me through this crazy day), gentleness (when I respond to my kids), and self control (not throwing my own temper tantrum even though I want to). I have not mastered all of these today, but I am trying and i am thankful that God uses all situations to help me understand his love for me and how much I need Him! He is my superman...swooping in to save the day!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
A day in the life of my ears...
The following are things that I hear at least 100 times a day!
- I'm Hungry
- I'm Thirsty
- I need more more milk (That's a Bria-ism...I think she thinks if she says more 2x I will know she really REALLY means it)
- I need to go potty
- I don't like it
- Momma momma momma momma momma
- I want that
- Briaboo hit me
- Cheyenne hit me (I should say that they both say this regardless of if the other has ACTUALLY hit them)
- I don't want to
- NO
- Hold me
- What...
- Yes ma'am
- WHY?
- Oh no
- Uh oh
- I want to watch Tangle Barbie which is Bria talk for "Tangled"
- I want to watch Dora
- I want to play playdoh
- I want to color
- I want to help
- I'm too tired to help
- (fill in Name) won't share (fill in toy) with me!
- You're my favorite momma!
- Where Is (Fill in the Blank)
- I love you, momma!
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