Do you ever have those days? Today was one of those days. Not the ones that you just want to blow your brains out or sell your kids or whatnot, just the ones where you get to the end of the day and think "If I don't get two seconds to myself to realize that I exist too, Mommy's going to go INSANE!" That was me today. Maybe its because its Friday and the entire week is getting to me (not that it will be better tomorrow as Mike took a Saturday shift-yay overtime, boo not seeing him). Maybe it is just one of those days. It started off bad when I went to bed too late, then MK woke up about an hour after I got to sleep screaming for me. Her knee hurt and she was cold and wanted to change into pajamas with pants and long sleeves-AT 3 IN THE MORNING!!! I don't think I can adequately explain how frustrating that was. But it got better: as soon as MK laid down and went to sleep Brianna woke up and saw me standing there and proceeded to scream until 5:30 when Mike decided to go get her and have me nurse her. She nursed on and off for about two hours before waking up to play. Mike graciously took her to the living room to jump in the jumperoo. Not an hour later when he left for work, she started screaming. Its her new thing. If she wants you to get her or hold her or pay attention to her , she screams. No tears, just screaming. It is never very good day when it starts off with a mommy with a headache working on less than 3 hours of sleep with a broken coffee maker!!! So, out the door to run errands and get coffee. Get home and I had the crazy idea NOT to put MK down for a nap. I think the lack of sleep was influencing me. I decided to work on preschool with her and do laundry while Bria was down. It was actually a productive afternoon. However, It was long and I feel like every time I finish one thing for one person, I have to turn around and do something for another. That is why it was SOOO nice to go swim with my great friend Leah tonight. We both really love swimming and so we have been going together and swimming laps when the kids are in bed and the hubbys are home for about a month now. I love it. After a day like today it felt so good to think about nothing but getting myself from one end of the pool to the other over and over again. We swam for almost an hour. I think I could have swum like 2 or 3, but the pool was closing and that is a little optimistic to think I could go do something by myself for that long. Anyways, it was really nice and now I feel great! The kids are doing good. Bria has come a long way in a week and is sitting up on her own pretty well. She still wobbles over from time to time, but she can sit there for quite a while. She has also decided that she loves food this week. She hadn't been showing much interest in most foods so far. I took a couple days off of solid foods and on tuesday night she was ready for them. She is opening her mouth wider and eating most of the food that I prepare for her. This is ENORMOUS improvement. MK is doing well. She is a bit sad as several of her friends are moving soon. Our upstairs neighbors are moving tomorrow and she just found out today. They have two older boys (5 and 9) who she LOVES to play with. She pretends to be the cheerleader while they play football. Also, our good friends, the Lathams, are moving in a week and a half as well. Mary Kate adores Miss Angel and her family! It has been a sad couple of weeks as her best friend from church just moved as well. It is hard growing up.

Anyways, here are some pics of the girls:

1 comment:
Sorry your day was crazy! You're an awesome mom!
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