A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garretty

A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.
~Marion C. Garretty

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


So I have been thinking a lot lately about making some changes.  I am notoriously bad at it.  So, I don't know.  Let's discuss...
1) To become a morning person (or as much of one as I can train myself to be).  Oh...this is always  the one that gets me.  I am, by nature a Night Owl.  I love to stay up late...I am more productive after the kids go to bed.  I enjoy relaxing in the quietness of the evening.  Problem:  Necessity has dictated that I need to be a morning person.  I have kids...they get up early.  School starts early.  Work starts early.  Everything starts early.  I am a Night Owl in a world made for Early Birds.  So, what do I do.  I have been doing both, which usually results in me going to bed somewhere between midnight and 2am (Don't judge) and getting up most mornings by 630 at the latest.  This is not ideal.  So, I am thinking it is time to set down some nighttime boundaries for myself and train myself to go to bed early and get up early. 
2)To work out more.  I have been making excuses for a LONG time.  Some of them are legit.  I am busy.  I work two jobs.  I stay home with my kids.  My husband is in school.  My husband works 40 hours a week an hour away from our house.  It is really hard to prioritize going to work out.  REALLY HARD.  I need to get over it.  I am currently mulling through this and have come to a couple solutions that hopefully I can enact. A-Use the elliptical machine in my living room.  Excuse in the past is that I am too tired at the end of the day (cue change number 1-hopefully that will help that one).  This also will require rearranging the living room a bit which will probably happen tonight (SHH...don't tell my husband...he always gives me a hard time whenever I rearrange furniture).
B-I have been thinking about trying out the couch to 5k program.  I just downloaded an app for it on my phone.  I am not a runner.  Never have been.  And the thought of this makes me want to gouge my eyes out, but I know it is good exercise and a part of me wants to be able to run a 5k.  So yeah, most of that is because I am a competitive person and not because I want to run, but still.  I dont' know, still working on this one.  Also, when do i run?  first thing in the morning, 530?  I would have to do it outside because I don't have a treadmill.  Oh, I think too much.  Ok, this one is still officially being thought about. 
C-There is a gym by my house that offers classes and membership.  I don't think we can afford to join right now, but I could possibly afford to pay for some classes.  I think the price is like $40 for 10 zumba classes.  Don't know if it is specific to zumba or any class, but it is worth looking into.   If Mike was ordained already we could get a membership for both of us for $38 per month.  Can you believe it?  that is super affordable...can't wait to get those clergy discounts someday :P
3) To have my house completely organized and have a systematic plan for what to do on what days to keep it organized and clean.  I have always kept up with my house, maybe not as spotless as some, but for the most part it is clean.  But I don't have a system, and clutter is our downfall.   I want to be better organized.  I think this one is going to take some time. 

Ok, The hubs needs his laptop to go to work so I gotta let it go.  Maybe more on changes later.  Feedback...suggestions...


Anonymous said...

The Y has cheap memberships if you get it on a day that they're running specials, my membership is only $15/month!

Dom and Trey said...

5K!?! We need to talk in person! If you need help or anything I'm here. Running at 5:30 in your neighborhood seems safe and there are lots of street lights. On Saturday mornings at 9 am Lululemon offers complimentary workouts. This month it's yoga. This is just an idea --- we could take turns going and I could watch the girls for you, if you wanted to go. The classes change, it's not always yoga, but that's just what's going on this month.

I find it rewarding to have workout partners/accountability. I track my progress online at dailymile.com . It tracks my miles/calories/all my workouts, not just running. It's nice to reflect back and see my progress...That motivates me.