A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garretty

A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.
~Marion C. Garretty

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Thumb Sucker

Brianna is getting so big. She has her 2 month appointment on Friday and I am dreading her shots. Her new thing of the week is sucking her thumb. Twice in the past 24 hours (that I know of) she has put herself to sleep with her thumb in her mouth. I have mixed feelings about this as on one hand I won't have to wake up and put her paci back in her mouth at 3 in the morning, but on the other hand you can't take away a thumb. For now I am not going to fight a 2 month old over her thumb. It is more effective to bang my head against a wall. Mary Kate is also getting so old. I realized the other day that she knows the pledge of allegiance. I mean knows as in says what the words sound like when you are hearing other people say them. She says it every Wednesday night in her opening ceremonies for AWANAS. It is very cute. Also, she is over halfway through with her Cubbies book. She has memorized 14 verses this year. It is amazing how smart she is! Lately she has started really praying at bedtime. She used to say "now I lay me down to sleep..." and so on then she would bless her toys and such. Now she says the now I lay me down to sleep, but then she really prays. I don't remember all of what she said, but it went something like this: "God, please let my dreams come true and let me grow up and be a mommy and grow up and thank you for making us and thank you for the Bible and give me good dreams" there was a little more, but I don't remember it all and it was somewhat repetative. Anyways, I am exhausted and coming down with a cold so I am going to go to bed. I have the most amazing daughters and I am so thankful for them.


Anonymous said...

Thumb sucker!! Wed night her thumb was really red and Amanda was a bit worried, but come to find out she was just sucking it. That might be hard to break when she's older ;)

Pastor Mike said...

Yeah, I am kind of worried about that if it sticks. She seems to go day by day: one day the thumb, one day the paci. We'll see. See you tomorrow!