A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garretty

A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.
~Marion C. Garretty

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

14 days and counting!

So, we made it through Thanksgiving! It was a lot of fun, but a lot of stress...my house still isn't completely recovered from it. The food was amazing, and I managed to continue making healthy food choices. All of the recipes were really good and if you want specific reviews or suggestions based on my experience with any of them in particular, just let me know and I will give you my two sense. I am really proud of myself. As of the Thursday before Thanksgiving I had lost 10 pounds. My goal for Thanksgiving was to not gain anything. Somehow even with A LOT of eating out and Thanksgiving dinner and everything, I managed to not gain weight. Not only that, but as of today, I am down another 4 1/2 pounds! My total weight loss to date is 14.5 pounds...over Thanksgiving (actually 3 different Thanksgiving dinners over the course of the month). That is 15.9% of the total amount of weight I want to lose to get down to my goal weight! It gives me hope that when we go home at Christmas it won't be detrimental. I hope. I think I picked the worst time of the year to change my eating habits and lose weight. However, I am hopeful that after the first of the year I should be able to lose a bit easier because there will be less "eating" holidays. I don't know. I am just going to keep going and doing what I am doing. This is about a lifestyle change for me. Things are always going to come up in life that I am going to have to work around. So, I am very excited because two weeks from today we will be on a plane heading for Massachusetts. I am getting more and more homesick by the day! We haven't been back in 2 years. I miss it so much. Today's snowfall only proved to make me MORE homesick...too much like home...luckily it didn't hang around long enough to send me spiraling into a homesick depression. :( This weekend we are getting ready for Bria's first birthday! I can't believe she is almost 1! I will write more about that later, but I am very excited about it! I will leave you with a picture of MK, Bria, and my niece and nephew: Haylie and Jeremiah. They are all in matching pjs and are so cute! It was fun to see everyone and get the babies together!

1 comment:

Pam said...

First. you don't know how much I love that you think of MA as home! I can't wait to see you in TWO WEEKS!!! Yay!

Second, I am so proud of you with your weight loss! I'm not as brave as you to try to start this time of year... my date to start is in January.

Love you!!