A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garretty

A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.
~Marion C. Garretty

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Top Ten...

I saw this top ten list in the back of June's Parenting magazine and thought it was worthy of sharing...

Top Ten Things That are OK not to Share with your Kids:
1. Your Cheesecake (or substitute any dessert, in my opinion)
2. Your private potty time
3. Your rationale for deciding who gets to sit by the window
4. Your wild, semi-legal pastimes during your teen years- and during that weekend they stayed at Grandma's
5. That, believe it or not, you want to yell WAY more than you do
6. That Elmo is just a woolly puppet with a 48 year old's hand up his butt
7. That, come Monday, You're often incredibly psyched to go to work
8. That you sometimes go for weeks without eating vegetables
9.That, No, you really don't want to hear her sing the Barney song again, right this very second.
10. But that she should go ahead because you'll be so sad when she's too old and cool to offer!

Not ALL applicable or true for everyone of us, but funny just the same! Happy Memorial Day!


Dom and Trey said...

# 2 is my favorite, but #1 is close behind. We're with our kids so much, but potty time should be private time....I agree. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I think #3 get's it for me...that's the moment you want to say,"because I said so".