A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garretty

A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.
~Marion C. Garretty

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I think it may actually happen!

So a little update on summer classes and financial stuff for school in the fall:

It wasn't looking like we were going to be able to get all of the application stuff in for Mike to take classes at SMU, however, God in his wonderful glory somehow made the impossible possible. I talked to the theology school admissions person last thursday and she said that they would be flexible with us and that as long as most of the application was in then we had a little leeway on the deadline. So as of today, May 7th, his entire application is in and we are waiting to hear from the school as to whether or not he is "accepted" in order to take Greek. This is a huge answer to prayer in that we will not have to pay for his class this summer, but it will keep him on track to graduation. Also, where we would like to avoid taking out a loan for classes, we found out that we have someone to cosign for us in order to get us a better interest rate and such. It is nice to know that we have that option if we need it. We are still praying that God will provide another alternative, but are not ruling this out as a God provided alternative. Thanks for all the prayers and please continue to pray for us and the stress that taking summer classes AND working 40 hours a week will put on our family. Mike will be driving to Dallas at 7:20 every morning and will be in class every day from 830-1230 and then will go straight over to work and will work until 7 or 8 probably. He won't be getting home until late each night. I am nervous how Mary Kate will respond to this as she is a daddy's girl, however, we will have him all to ourselves ALL weekend so that will be a nice change from the school year. Also, please pray for me as I try to figure out a way to make a little extra money. There was a possibility for a promotion at church, however there are some things that have come up with that and it is now looking less likely. I COULD still end up with the job, but it is going to be a much longer hiring process as they have decided not to promote from within, but to open up the position for other applications. Also, I have been told they are changing the position as well, although I do not yet know what that will entail. Regardless, since the semester is over and I am not watching the little boy that I was watching anymore, we need to figure out a way to replace that income and it will probably need to be sooner than they are going to be hiring. Pray for me to receive guidance from the Lord as to how to proceed.

In other news, the kids are doing well. We are still trying to get Brianna to eat some solid foods. She is very particular and I am convinced that she doesn't want to do anything but nurse for the next ...oh..18 years or so..lol! We have discovered that she really likes yogurt, so i can mix stuff into yogurt and she will eat some solid food. Mary Kate is doing great and is about to finish up her first year of cubbies! She just finished her last bible verse last night and has now finished her first book! For those of you not familiar, that means she has memorized 24 verses! I am continually impressed by her brilliance!! Will post pictures later!

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