A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garretty

A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.
~Marion C. Garretty

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I heart Wednesdays!

I think Wednesdays have become my favorite day of the week. With my job at Travis Avenue, and watching Julianna, and with Mike's classes and work schedule life is crazy. Either I am watching kids or keeping kids from waking Mike up or working. Most days Mike sleeps in because he doesn't get home from work until 3:30 AM. There is only one day during the week where I could possibly sleep in: Wednesday. For the past couple of weeks, Mike has been getting up with the girls and letting me sleep as long as I want. It has been so nice. It actually feels like I sort of have a day off. I mean, Mike goes to work in the afternoon, so Its not the whole day off, but even so it is great! And, On Wednesday night Mary Kate has AWANAS and Brianna hangs out in the nursery, so I get another hour and a half to myself. It is nice. Once a month I go to the business meeting, but the other weeks I do my grocery shopping or get coffee or just sit in the blessed silence. I love Wednesdays. Everyone should have at least one day during the week that is this restful. On another note, I love my job. I realized on Tuesday that even when the kids in my class are all having horrible days, I still enjoy being there. I never hate it, I never wish I didn't have to go. I truly love it!

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