A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garretty

A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.
~Marion C. Garretty

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

School is Cool...I think...I don't remember...

So today is the end of day three of Kindergarten.  All in all, it is going quite well.  Mary Kate loves her teacher and the playground and the computer lab where she gets to play alphabet games.  Today she got to use a computer with headphones and so she got to hear the sounds of the game as well.  She also got to play on the swing today which she didn't get to play on yesterday because they were wet from rain and she didn't get to play on Monday because everyone else was taking all the recess time on the swings.  Her teacher calls her Mary Kate, but her art teacher still calls her Mary.  I told her she would have to politely ask her art teacher to call her Mary Kate.  I am doing well all things considering.  It is so much quieter in the house during the day.  Dropping her off is hard because she is still learning her way around the school.  Parents are only allowed to walk them to the lobby and after that only kids and staff get past all the locked doors.  I LOVE this about the school, but It is hard.  I am having to trust the staff of the school to make sure my baby doesn't wander around aimlessly, and I am having to let her go and grow up and learn how to ask for help and learn her way around.  It is hard...she looks so lost and little when I drop her off.  She told me this afternoon when I asked her if she found the auditorium that she didn't, but a teacher helped her.  So someone did see that she needed help and asked her what grade she was in and led her there.  I find I am praying for her so much more than I ever did.  Isn't it funny how much more we pray when we are forced to have Faith.  The situations where I have no control are the ones I know I have to pray through.  Overall, we are all good.  It was weird to have just Brianna on Monday and it is still weird with just Bria and Chey.  Like I said, quieter, especially during nap time.  Tomorrow I start back to work with a training day.  Should be fun...it will be nice to get back to the swing of things in our normal schedule. 

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