A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garretty

A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.
~Marion C. Garretty

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

HGTV and Silence

So I have been secretly (or not so secretly) enjoying two things lately: HGTV (specifically house hunters, my first place and property virgins) and silence. The first, HGTV, I think stems from my desire not to be holed up in a tiny two bedroom apartment. I am conflicted whether or not I am actually sinning by watching these shows so much since they sometimes spur me towards coveting the television personas' ability to buy a house. In truth, I really don't want to buy a house because I don't want to have to deal with the markets right now, or the upkeep of a house. I just want the actual house. The space of it. The freedom of it. Anyways, I am enjoying seeing all the fun and gorgeous houses that other people are getting to buy. The second is a bit of a surprise. I am really starting to enjoy the super quiet house in the evenings when Mike is at work. It has taken me a while to really like my alone time and to get used to Mike working nights. I have started to enjoy it so much that some nights when Mike is home I actually miss the silence. It is nice to be able to relax and not think and blog or facebook or check email, or heck, just pee by myself in a quiet house. Well, that is that. On another note, Mary Kate is one patch away from finishing her cubbies book this year. It is so exciting and so sweet and I love that she is learning so much about Jesus and learning to hide his word in her heart. On the flip side, My baby's growing up! :( I know it really is happy, and I love that she is growing up, but I feel like she is doing it too fast. Just yesterday she was 4 months old, now she is almost 4 years old and Brianna is 4 months old. Where does the time go?


Dom and Trey said...

Erin, I didn't know you blogged! Cool. I will definitely add you to my blog bookmark. BTW Trey and I watch those 2 HGTV shows all the time. Good stuff.

Amanda said...

I totally understand the struggle with the coveting. I have been challenged lately to put aside all things that cause me to covet or even alter my view of our current living situation. More than just trying to eliminate factors that may cause me to covet; I am trying to kill this ridiculous American consumerism that seems to be so deeply woven into our society, our churches, and ME!

It continuously amazes me how the conscience effort to eliminate and filter such things is really changing the way I think, believe, and ultimately live.

It even sometimes seems so silly. For example, I have to make myself throw away the Pottery Barn Kids and Victoria Secret catalogs that constantly come to my mail box. I guess I should just unsubscribe! Anyway, this has really helped as I try to remove any source that may fuel my sinful behavior, whether it be poor stewardship or coveting.

Okay, I normally don't have comments this long, but I am still working through this as well. Thanks for sharing!