A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garretty

A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.
~Marion C. Garretty

Monday, February 7, 2011

Snow Days

A couple of weeks ago I was overcome with envy.  I wanted snow just like my friends and family back in Massachusetts.  Not only did I want snow, I wanted a snow day.  Snow days in Massachusetts are truly the most peaceful days.  Lounge around, drink coffee, spend the day together as a family, the to do list out the window-all unexpectedly!  It is amazingly relaxing because when you get a snow day there it is because you have at least a foot of snow on the ground and literally can't go anywhere.  So, I was envious and started praying and hoping for a snow day.  I knew it was a long shot, but you never know.  ONE snow day might be possible in warm old Texas.  Afterall, winter is bipolar here.  80*F one day and 30*F the next.  Little did I know, my wish would be granted.  Last week we got ONE snow day on Tuesday.  Then we got snow day number TWO, followed by THREE and FOUR!!! IN A ROW!!  Where it was a nice little vacation for all of us, I am over it.  Well, guess what!!!!  The weather forcaster tonight said that he would be surprised if the kids went to school on wednesday...2-4 inches of snow and ice predicted.  INSANE!!!  I am so over it.  I am officially done praying for snow days!  I am grateful for the ones I got and now I would quite enjoy getting back to our normal mid 50s weather for the rest of the winter! 

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