A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garretty

A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.
~Marion C. Garretty

Monday, February 14, 2011

Me time...what's that?

Tonight was Valentine's Day.  In true romantic fashion, the hubs has Greek class.  Boo... Not that he is big on Valentine's Day anyways, but at least we could have taken advantage of the parents night out at our church together.  So I figured I would just chill at home with the girls.  Well, our Assistant Children's Minister found out and wanted me to bring the girls.  They do a big sock hop program and she knew the girls would have fun and that I could use the night alone :)  So....I dropped off the kids and I swear I must have looked like a lost puppy the rest of the night.  I didn't know what to do and didn't exactly have the money to do much, so I decided to go to the mall and walk around.  Get some exercise and window shop.  What else am I going to do.  So, I perused the stores at the mall to get an idea of what is out there for Easter Dresses for the girls.  Do you know what is out there?  Do you?  A big Fat Load of nothing!  Can you believe it?  It is two months out from Easter and nothing.  There were a few dresses at Sears, but nothign that coordinated between big girls and toddlers.  Childrens Place, Justice, Crazy8, Everywhere I looked, there was nothign.  I asked the sales associates that were bored out of their mind because not many people were out shopping tonight and they said they hadn't recieved any yet.  I can't believe it still.  They put Christmas stuff out in August.  4 MONTHS before Christmas...but nothing for Easter.  Crazy!  Oh well, I have heard that Target has theirs out and I will wait a bit and see what shows up in the other stores.  I guess I still do have 2 months.  Happy shopping!  And I did enjoy having some quiet time to myself.  It doesn't happen very often and I almost didn't recognize what it felt like to not have to cater to someone else  needs.  On a plus side, The hubs and I are having a date night tomorrow night (tuesday)...Can't wait...Toscana's here we come...I love me some good Italian food!

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