A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garretty

A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.
~Marion C. Garretty

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Moon me

As I was driving home tonight from the grocery store, I found myself mesmerized by the moon.  I mean it was gorgeous!  Almost full or maybe even full, pale yellow, big, low in the sky...breathtaking!  As I pulled it together and tried to ignore the moon and drive home safely I started thinking about my fascination with the moon.   I clearly remember being in the car as a child and driving home with my parents and wondering why the moon always followed us and how it knew where we lived.  There was always something comforting about the moon..always the same always beautiful always peacefully doing its job always quietly powerful...comforting.   When I was in high school my bed was next to the window.  I used to change how I slept on my bed so that I could sleep with the mon shining on me.  It was like it was watching over me while I slept.  Now don't mistake me...i believe in God and not in the divinity of the moon or sun or any hippy crap.  I guess in the same way that some find the beauty and power of God in nature, I see it in the moon.  Ok now you all officially know I am crazy. 

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