A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garretty

A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.
~Marion C. Garretty

Saturday, January 21, 2012

A love note to Texas drivers

Dear Texas drivers:

4 1/2 long years of getting to know you and I have learned to love your incessantly slow white pickup trucks chauffeured by cowboy hat clad drivers.  I have developed a passion for your complete lack of logistical foresight when you close several major multi-lane highways for the weekend leaving 6+ lanes of traffic cozy on a small 1 or 2 lane feeder road.  However, today...today was a gift too grand for me to behold.   Today one of your drivers ran a red light.  Now most normal drivers upon running a red light would continue on through the intersection getting out of the way of oncoming traffic.  But you, you aren't like other drivers.   You stop in the middle of the intersection and proceed to try to back up.  Granted it took a while for all of the many cars behind you to back up as well so you wouldn't hit them, but not many drivers would have the courage to show me love in such a special way.  I do have to apologize...the Massachusetts driver in me took over and I just couldn't help myself ....I blared my horn at you for a solid minute while you were in that intersection in my way.  That was clearly inconsiderate of me...and while you were driving so selflessly.  I will try to control my rude ways and be a better driver like you. 


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